Hi everyone!
I've been testing another list-builder for the past 4 weeks and I have to say - I'm really liking it because it's a little different to the run-of-the-mill and it's bringing in results. So it definitely sees the light of day here on Global Web Traffic and appears below.
But first... someone suggested the other day that it would be of interest to many Global Web Traffic followers if I were to post a little about my typical day so I thought I would, but if you'd rather skip it and get straight to the list-builder review just scroll down a way... (but you'll miss some interesting links and tips that may just appear here!). Incidentally, if you're reading this post in an email or RSS feed please click the heading at the top to go to the main blog for lots more action!
Ahaha! Thanks for staying with me!
A Day In The Life Of An Internet Marketer...
It's Monday morning - I used to hate them but now I love 'em!
It's 10am and I'm slightly ashamed to say I've just crawled out of bed. There's an unusually eerie quietness outside as I open the curtains to find snow all around and falling heavily.
I feel I ought to explain that this isn't the view from my window - it was taken on a walk later in the day. The aroma of sausages hits my nostrils but I know full well that's just wishful thinking. Pam has been up some time and cooks herself porridge every morning . Is it just me or do your senses confuse the smell of sausages frying with that of Scott's Porridge Oats? OK - that'll be just me then!
Having showered and headed downstairs I discover that I've missed a phone call from my daughter who rang to say her driving test had been cancelled due to the heavy snowfall. This actually is the second time - it was cancelled just before Christmas when a tyre burst on her instructors car on the way to the test centre and he replaced it with the space-saver in the boot which was then deemed illegal by the examiner! Shelley feels she's destined never to be let loose on the roads on her own! Keith - her partner - thinks it's for the best!
I decide to have my cereal and a huge cup of steaming tea in the garden room so I can watch the snow which seems as if it's going to be here for the day - the sky is just full of it.
A blackbird skips in to feed on the seed we put out. He's quickly joined by no less than 6 Long-Tailed Tits frantically swinging from the feeders. A wood pigeon sits on the fence and seems to be presiding over events and shaking the snowflakes off his back.
After brekkie I switch my laptop on and check out what's been happening over the weekend. As usual scores of emails have flooded in over the last 2 days. I send 4 new Birthday Bonus Members a welcome email and add them to my list to keep in touch with them. I find my ClickBank account has increased over the weekend by nearly $200 thanks to a few emails sent out on Friday promoting Satellite TV for Your PC - every little helps as the old adage goes! 3 new prospects have arrived to find out what e-lottery is all about so I pop them an email with my contact details on inviting them to call or skype me if they have any questions.
I then spend 30 minutes on ViralNetworks answering queries, making new contacts, viewing a few very informative videos - I've discovered such a lot by interacting with other Internet Marketers here and shared my info and views too. It's also a place to have fun so I spend a few minutes in idle banter. January was the first ever pay-cycle so it will be interesting to see what revenue share we get as qualifiers - and qualifying is just so easy if you're prepared to spend just a few minutes each day building up your credits - you don't even have to refer others to get a slice of the revenue!
The mid-day news on Radio 2 announces that England is having the heaviest snow in 18 years! It hasn't stopped snowing since I first looked out of the window earlier (OK - not that much earlier but you know what I mean!).
I answer a few more emails and skypes and then spend some time looking at a couple more list-builders that I may be testing out and reviewing. Using list-builders by the way has been one of the chief reasons for my success in Internet Marketing over the years - I just love 'em! See the bottom of the blog for a list of the list-builders I use on a regular basis - some daily. (If you can't see the list click here globalwebtraffic.blogspot.com to open the main blog)
I'm not so keen on Traffic Exchanges - they're just too much like hard work - the only one I can honestly recommend is ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
hardly discernable from the land
There's time for a bowl of delicious Pumpkin Soup before setting off for an hour or more walk (or ski!). Walking helps to get my creative juices flowing so I try to do what we call the 'lane walk' most weekdays - even with 3 or 4 inches of snow all around! It clears my head which is absolutely necessary 'cause there's such a lot of stuff buzzing around there most of the time!
So donning boots, gloves, woolly hat and waterproofs I set out into still heavily falling snow now accompanied by quite a strong wind. As I turn the corner into the lane what a sight beholds! The trees all look as if they're draped in fine wispy gossamer...
Return home to another cup of tea and the most wonderful smell coming from the kitchen - a warming beef stew simmering away in the oven. Delightful!
After demolishing this more than satisfying meal we then both pop into the online e-lottery conference room for a fantastic Monday night session with congenial host Malcolm Horsey and an exciting presentation from Neil Verlander on The 1 System which I'm sure is going to rocket all Affiliate businesses. Just click JOIN NOW to be a part of the e-lottery phenomenon if you're not already in.
And there we go - a fairly typical day apart from tons of snow!
And so to work...
The latest List-Builder review
ListQUIK comes from the same stable as Revenue Magic which I reviewed some weeks back and is really an off-shoot from that but it's becoming so popular it now stands on its own 2 feet and has something that no other list-builder has to my knowledge:- the chance to receive cash for reading members emails! This means, of course, with the lure for a cash prize many more emails are getting read, making for more click-throughs to member websites and ultimately more sign-ups/sales. Excellent!
If you don't win a cash prize you're given credits which mount up and allow you to email other members with your own offers. This works no matter what level you join at - so even a free member can win cash prizes! That's cool! If my memory serves me correct this was launched sometime in December and already has 6,500 members so it's very vibrant.
I joined as a free member and in my first batch of emails to read I won $5 - now we're not going to become millionaires with the cash prizes but as I hadn't paid anything it was a nice surprise and within minutes of joining too!
As a free member I can email 100 members but I'd be a fool not to take an upgrade as I'm already getting strong prospects and the upgrade to ProPlus Member allows me to email 1250 random members every 5 days. You can also email to the whole membership for just $40 - even as a free member - now that's just such a good deal!
So... another great list-builder that I can highly recommend. Very professional website and presentation with some great membership deals and offers. Join now...
Catch you all soon - it's now 11:30pm and still snowing - another 400 cm forecast overnight! Brrrrrr!
hi paul,
ReplyDeleteI'm going to join for this under your referal.
Bandara (ViNt)