Online business systems scam

In a short moment from now I'm going to share with you my little-known secret for creating online wealth but first:-

How To Avoid The Scams

If you spend any time at all searching for a legitimate online business you will very quickly be presented with at least one online business systems scam. In fact there are hundreds of online business system scams. No... there are thousands!

Problem is how do we know it's a scam and how do we know if it's a legitimate online work from home business? After all most certainly look legitimate. They all look like good solid business systems that could earn you money. Problem is that most of them cost us hard earned cash and we have to spend it before we realise we've been robbed once again! It's either far too complex, far too impractical or far too time-consuming or often all of those three!

I'm not going to say I've discovered the holy grail of legitimate online business systems but after 11 years in the business I hope that I can spot an out-and-out online scam when I see one. And because of that, of course, I get to know which are workable, which are practical and which stand to make money. And now I'd like to share with you

My Little-known Secret to Creating Online Wealth

Don't worry; I'm not about to try to sell you some new dubious sounding bit of software that's going to bring more traffic to your website than there are fish in the ocean. Neither am I going to ask you to send me money for a series of highly expensive e-books that promise to turn you into an Internet millionaire before next weekend! I'm not asking you to send me any money at all for anything! That's not how I work.

Let's be sensible about this - there really is no magic formula to creating online wealth. No magic formula that will turn a few pennies into an online business system that will rocket you to a fortune. It's not out there!

But here's what we can all do - here's what I do: This is my little secret to creating online wealth which you're more than welcome to copy. It's called...

Multiple Income Streams

If I think back, I mean way back... even right back to my early twenties (hell that's a long long way) I've always managed to create multiple income streams. Around that time I operated an audio magazine that revolved around UK pirate radio at the same time as growing mushrooms to sell to restaurants, at the same time as running my part-time Kleeneze business - oh... and yes... I had a full-time job as a printer as well. Crazy or what? Maybe - it practically drove me into the ground but it taught me a lesson and an ethos. An ethos that I've followed all my life and that ethos was that it's best to have more than one form of income. Two is good, three is excellent and four is pure magic.

So my advice to recession-proof your income is to create multiple streams of cash coming in on a monthly basis from 2, 3 or 4 routes. There are loads of avenues to pursue but as I alluded to above it's easier to get your fingers burnt than it is to eat an ice cream! Oh - my gosh - you should see some of the stuff that I've been involved in over the years and the so-called legitimate business system scams that have come my way. What utter rubbish I've fell foul of over the years but I tell you what... let me just cut to the chase here and tell you which ones are working for me right now. Would that be a good idea?

OK - I live in the UK so the first income stream that you can latch on to is only available in the UK but it's been around since 1996 and has won so many awards I can remember only a few.

But if you're interested and you live in Britain then this could be for you:-

Multiple Income Stream 1

And if you live anywhere outside the USA this one may be of interest:-

Multiple Income Stream 2

And if you live anywhere on Planet Earth then this is definitely for you:-

Multiple Income Stream 3

And then there's:-

Multiple Income Stream 4 (actually I'm still searching for this one - will let you know when I find it - just make sure you subscribe to this blog - either by RSS feed or by entering your email address on the home page and I can keep in touch)

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